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Steam in 3 Countries - Spain Austria Italy DVD
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Steam in 3 Countries - Spain Austria Italy DVD Greg Scholl Video Productions SI3C
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Our program begins with a 1972 trip to Europe and a visit to Spain where we see Broad-Gauge action with 2-8-2's on the Renfe (National Railway of Spain). We had only limited information during this time, and stuck to one area west of Zaragoza, which featured steam in Castajon, which had a roundhouse full of steam, and Pamplona. Pamplona you might recognize as the city where you can run with the bulls each year, but we were there for some steam operations and caught a couple of daily passenger trains to Castajon. There is a cool shot of a train passing through an ancient Roman aqueduct, plus two passenger trains meeting. There is also action chasing a freight toward Castajon on a different route. Seeing nothing but steam at the Castajon roundhouse was pretty special, even if they were all oil burners (tough on the shoes).

Next we head to Austria in 1974 as part of a 6 week trip. We see a little bit of a sample in Vienna, and Linz, before moving to the Linz-Summerau line which is Austrian Railways standard gauge. Most traffic on this line was steam hauled with the Kreig-Lok German designed 052 2-10-0's working both freight and passenger trains. Electric polls were up on 2/3 of the line so we spent more time on the northern end for better looking sequences. This was all upgrade going north too which made for better action. We also see a Czech 4-8-2 (475 class), which was on a cross-border train in Summerau. This was during the cold war and a guard was sent so the engine crews did not defect to the west.

After the Linz-Summerau line, we see a little bit of action the narrow gauge line from Gmund, and see a meet, and do some pacing on one train. These trains hauled some standard gauge cars on their narrow gauge flats. After this we spent a days on the "Iron Mountain" at Vordernburg for this unique Rack line with steep grades. Empty trains went up the grade with an engine on either end, and besides good action there was great scenery as well. This line stopped running steam a few years after we were there.

Lastly we visited Italy in 1974 and got a few shots in March of 1975. The region was the northern part of Italy (Tyrol), on the Fortezza to San Candido line. This very scenic line featured some freight action and a couple of passenger trains each day. Power was 2-8-0 class 740, and the unique class 741. The 741 2-8-0's were converted 740 class engines that had Franco-Crosti boilers which had modified boilers to preheat the water, and a side-stack for exhausting smoke and steam. We have good coverage of these unique locomotives, and an explanation of the basic design. This was some of the best weather of that 1974 trip. Greg went back in March 1975 and got a little more action with each class engine.

The Austrian and Italy footage was a mix of footage shot by Greg and his brother Randy, while the Spain was shot by Greg. This is not a long video, but it is certainly unique. We finish up with a slide show of some 35mm stills shot during these segments. Standard Definition, all color, with music and narration. (There was no sound on film in the early 70's). 52 Minutes

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DVD Item#:SI3C
Runtime:52 Mins ($0.43/min)
Producer:Greg Scholl Video Productions
Aspect Ratio:Full Screen
Shrink Wrapped?:Yes
Disc Type:DVD
Region Code:0 Worldwide NTSC
Steam in 3 Countries - Spain Austria Italy DVD
Steamboy (Revere MA US) on 2019-08-17 07:10:20.

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  •  5 of 5

In this installment of Greg�s European steam in the 70s collection, it starts with a 1972 visit to Spain which includes some shots of assistant Thomas Miller driving in the rented Volkswagen Beetle from Germany. On one scene, an electric freight is shown, followed by an active 2-8-2 idling, as well as dead steamers, and some diesels waiting for their assignments. This is located at Narbonne. After the driving segment, a still image of a steam locomotive on the turntable is shown in spain, followed by a map of the country itself, and another still image this time its all the steam locomotives in the roundhouse. In Castajon, one engine rolls by, then comes a look inside the roundhouse. Next, another engine uncouples the diesel and takes a spin at the turntable. Note the other steamers in the background. Afterwards, a still image of the broad gauge track is shown, which is measured at 5ft 6 inches wide. Then comes another look at the map showing the line from Castajon to Pamplona. After a Sunday sleepover at the Miranda De Ebro hotel, an eastbound freight led by a 2-8-2 is heading to Castajon. Next, there is some pacing going on, followed by a shot of the same train going under various pedestrian bridges. Afterwards, there is more pacing which the rest of the segment has the San Diego trolley song from America by rail the west coast route composed by the late Mike Lynch in 1995 is used. At Pamplona, Class 141R number 2392 is taking a spin at the turntable, then it goes backwards tender first. Under the Roman Acquaduct, the passenger train heads for Castajon. A meet is shown north of Castajon as a donkey/burro grazes on some grass. During the meet, Kovacs talks about the 242 class 141Rs. The sheds at Castajon was sadly closed in April of 1975, while others are closed about 2 months later. The chase to Pamplona is being pulled by number 2417. This concludes a look at steam in Spain during 1972.

Moving onto August 21 through the first day of September 1974, Greg and Randy made a visit to Austria. Beginning with a pair of still images of a class 77 4-6-2 Tank Engine, followed by the 052 class 2-10-0s at the shed, and also some streetcars. The movie segments begins at Linz Austria as number 6968 is being serviced. The date was August 24. From August 25-27, there is some action on the summerau to Linz line, as a class 052 is hauling freight. The Scholl brothers are concentrated on the northern end of the line to Summerau. Some were built in Germany during the war, others are built in Austria after the war. Next up is a repeat, but from Randy�s angle. Afterwards, A different southbound is shown. Note the electrified poles. Next up is a northbound passenger train heading to summerau, followed by number 3317 arriving at Keffermont with a tank train, followed by a repeat, but from Randy�s angle. After this, the chase of one of the freights in the siding led by number 835 heads for summerau as it works hard. A look of the same train going under the pedestrian bridge is shown, followed by a bend at an unknown location. Note the white rocks alongside the tracks where the electric poles are going to be installed. A beautiful wide shot of 835 is shown as it goes through the grassy valley with another bend to negotiate. Afterwards a meet with a passenger train is shown as another locomotive rolls between the semaphore style signals. With the signal given green, the freight with 835 heads for summerau. The electric poles are installed at the north end of the scenic canyon. A northbound heads to summerau. On one scene it passes by the boys at a foggy location, followed by a repeat from Randy�s angle. A farmer walks with one of his tools on his hand, followed by more still images, which contains a Czech border train, plus the 475 class 4-8-2s. During the still segment, Kovacs talks about the outdated photo passport from Randy. Back to the silent films however, the class 475 departs at 9:00 in the morning as it leaves summerau. Moving right along to Wietra, there is plenty of narrow gauge action as the tracks are 716 millimeters. The main power is always the 0-8-4 tank engines, which were built in Linz during 1906. The regular operations ended in May of 2001, but there are some portions saved which it serves as tourist attraction. A meet with the standard gauge boxcars on Narrow gauge flatbeds are shown. Afterwards, number 6 departs wietra. The 399 number signifies narrow gauge locomotives. Next, there is some pacing going on, followed by an August 27 quickie of a class 93 2-8-2T at Zwettl. The 93 number signifies the standard gauge engines. For only 4 days from August 29-the first day of September 1974, the Scholl brothers head to the 14 mile iron mountain line at Vordernburg. The ore mountains opened in September of 1891. The main power for this line were once the class 97 0-6-2Ts on standard gauge rails, but there is a trio of the 197 class 0-12-0Ts built in 1912. All steam power on this line ended in 1978, mothballed 10 years later, and it is preserved a tourist train which uses rail cars. One tank engine pushes from the rear (number 201), the other hauls in the lead. Most of these scenes were on the Vordernburg side of the line. The overpass in the background as the train makes the panning shot is the main highway. Leaving Vordernburg, Trains of empty cars would start out on standard gauge rails, as an 0-6-2T, an a class 197 0-12-0T with a diesel behind it. The final scene shows the same train, but with the diesel removed. This concludes a look at steam in Austria. Afterwards, more still images are shown, but it is from Yugoslavia between September 1-5 1974. Unfortunately the police department told the Scholl brothers and other Railfans, that is illegal to film stations and/or bridges. Instead, they head for Italy on September 5-7 of that year.

In the northwest section of Italy, the boy�s head to the Fortezza to San Candido line which is near the Austrian border. A look at the class 740 and a side stack class 741 2-8-0s. West of San Lorenzo, in the morning of either September 5 or 6, number 142 pulls a passenger train. During this segment, Kovacs talks about the information on the unique side stack steamers. After this, a music piece from Greg�s other tiles: SP steam variety from 2013, and western steam loggers from 2015 are used. During this tune, the same train goes under the pedestrian bridge, and arrives and departs dobbiacco. Note the tank car in the siding. Afterwards a different side stack passenger train is shown the time it is powered by number 262. This was the station before the end of the line at San Candido. At brunico, a westbound freight crosses the bridge to Fortezza. The majority of the 1974 visit was from brunico to the end of the line at San Candido. The next morning, a 2 coach diesel powered passenger train exits the tunnel from Fortezza, following behind is a steam powered freight. Afterwards, another westbound crosses the brunico bridge heading to Fortezza. This was the final scene of the 1974 visit. A few months later in March of 1975, Greg made one short visit to Italy during the late winter season. The Saturday only ski train was thought to be an all steam powered special, but unfortunately it was all double diesels. West of valdaora, class 740 number 161 powers the freight as it negotiates the big loop on one scene along with a church and some other buildings in the following scene. During this segment, Chris talks about the class 740 engines. 470 of these were built between 1911-1923. Finally the 161 departs valdaora heading for San Candido. To the right but offscreen is the hotel where Greg slept. 2 more still images are shown with a side stack engine, and a unique 5 star wye. The next day, another class 741 powers the morning train. The movie segments come to a close as there is a 1972 inflight footage from an airplane as it leaves Europe, heading home to America via Iceland over the Atlantic Ocean. During the slideshow montage, 2 songs from America by rail the heartland in 1994 is used: one for the south bend Indiana to Chicago portion on Amtrak�s capitol limited, the other for Donner Pass on the California Zephyr.

Overall, these are great films showing what everyday steam operations from around the world has to offer for Railfans everywhere.

Additional remarks by Steamboy:
Narration: Just enough.
Would kids enjoy this? Yes.
Image quality: Excellent!
DVD Value: Good Value
Recommend to others? Definitely.

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