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Great Layout Adventures Vol 3 DVD
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Great Layout Adventures Vol 3 DVD OGR Publishing V-GLA-3
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The Misty Mountain Railroad!
This is one unbelievable model railroad! 7 tons of lumber and over 6,000 pounds of hydrocal went into building this marvelous railroad. Lots of trains, magnificent scenery, scratchbuilt structures and gorgeous backdrops bring the charm and elegance of the old south to life on this model railroad. You have to see this one to believe it!

The Great Georgia Central & Southern!
The GGC&S is creation of Jim and Gayle Steed. Jim has built a classic Lionel Postwar layout, with all the old operating accessories, engines and transformers. You'll even see FIFTY Lionel switch controllers all in a row, which Jim uses to control the switches on the layout. Built on 28 sheets of 4' x 8' plywood, this is the layout that a 10 year old in the 50's dreamed about!

O Gauge in a Small Place!
Judge Gene Utz shows what can be done when you don't have a whole lot of room for an O gauge train layout. This layout, designed by OGR's Backshop Foreman Jim Barrett, packs a lot of action and wonderful scenery into a very small space.

TVD Price:$ 13.95
List Price:$ 14.95
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DVD Item#:V-GLA-3
Producer:OGR Publishing
Aspect Ratio:Full Screen
Shrink Wrapped?:Yes
Disc Type:DVD
Region Code:0 Worldwide NTSC

  • This producer has been known to change the cover design, so the cover image you see here may differ from the actual product.
Great Layout Adventures Vol 3 DVD
Steamboy (Revere MA US) on 2019-11-28 17:06:10.

  •  5 of 5

In volume 3 from 2006, this 68 minute video begins with the great Georgia central and southern railroad of Jim Steed. The layout is located in blairsville Georgia deep in the southern Appalachian mountains. The town itself has 2 layouts: misty mountain (which we'll see later), and Jim's GGC&S which uses lionel post-war. A black and white photograph of Atlanta from 1946 is used. Jim's first train set, was a Lionel 224 freight set. It contains a 2-6-2 lionel lines prairie type locomotive, a silver single dome Sunoco tank car, a black gondola with barrels, a brown boxcar, and a little red caboose. more black and white photographs are shown. Other pieces of lionel memorabilia that Jim owned includes the Madison and Irvington coaches, an MTH Pennsylvania 2-8-0, a Santa Fe Berkshire number 3158 hauling boxcars, a Lionel icon: the AT&SF F-3, a new York central 783 hudson from 1984, and plenty of accessories on the layout both familiar and custom built. More photographs of the layout is shown. Plus Jim uses Bachmann plasticville buildings, and uses lionel tubular track. On the upper level, an NW2 is pulling 5 boxcars with a caboose. The Christmas/Winter portion of the layout was built by Gayle. The Christmas portion has coca cola themed items, and fragile buildings, with figurines. Underneath the lionel stationary bridge, a trolley is put on display. One of Jim's prized possessions is the 840 power station. Note the foam cut Christmas trees. Jim also has a Lionel electric trains warehouse building. A Williams or MTH model of the New York central dreyfuss hudson number 5446 crosses the help gate bridge makes a meet with the 783. All over the layout, there are plenty of Die cast cars. The church on the layout is surprisingly a music box. A black painted version of the late 90s reissue of the 313 bascule bridge is shown as the silver version of the union Pacific also FPA4 passenger set crosses the bridge. While the layout has lots of plasticville buildimgs, Jim also has a Marx truck terminal. Jim's company name was inspired by the railway express agency. This turntable on the layout didn't operate. Here lionel lines 2-6-4 number 2035 is sitting on the turntable itself. For motorized units, Jim has a track cleaner car, a gang car, and a handcar. The AT&SF engine shed number 2 was originally built from a KFC to go box. The plaque on the layout board was dedicated to his dad frank. Jim also owned one of lionel's prized possessions: an original 773 hudson from 1950. Some pacing of the Hudson is showm. Jim also.has a new York central, ABBA set, a Lackawanna FM trainmaster, and one of Lionel's first streamlined diesels: the union Pacific M-10000. Some pacing of the streamlined is included. Other accessories on the layout includes the ice depot, the 97 coal loader, the cattle loader, the rotary beacon tower, the rotating antenna, and more. A musical montage is used. For power, Jim uses a Z transformer, and 2 ZW transformers. Plus he has 50 lionel switches. Jim also talks about how he restores lionel switches. Jim also has another lionel icon: the milk car. With 2 variations. And a 282 gantry crane.

At the 24 minute mark, another layout is shown, this time it's owned by judge gene utz. The judge operates an mth NKP Mikado hauling freight. For power, he uses a pair of the Z-4000 transformers, and a lionel ZW. There is also a Great northern 2-8-8-2 a Norfolk and western J class northern number 611, and a nickel plate geep. Plus there is also a Chessie system GP30 number 3874, a new York central ABA set hauling metallic coaches, and all the trains are on gargraves track. A map of the layout is used. The layout also has dwarf signals, semaphores, overhead gantry signal. In the shops, big boy 4012 is passing by the Hudson or a mokawk. A great northern NW2 hauls a gray Sunoco tank car with a blue caboose. Plus a Chesapeake & Ohio F unit is hauling freight. Some pacing of the GN steam engine is used. For.operating accessories, there is the ice depot that is custom painted, a switch tower, the culvert loader and unloader, plus the barrel loader. There are also floodlight towers. Some of the buildings are modified by the judge's son Jr. As the C&O freight leaves the tunnel, a model of the Jersey central blue comet goes in. The NKP 599 and the C&O diesels make a race, plus 611 curves away from the tunnel.

At the 35 minute mark of The program, the longest segment in that video is shown: the misty mountain railroad. As you enter the layout, a tall lift bridge goes up. It took 3 men and almost a full decade to build this layout. Some onboard footage is shown as well as an interview with one of the builders Charles Griffin. There are lots of steam and diesels powered freights on the layout from many fallen flags. The layout is located on the other side of blairsville Georgia. All 4 seasons of the year are shown on the layout, as well as lots of incredible buildings, bridges, mountains, tunnels, and tons of accessories. The misty mountain railroad is both a walk around layout and an around the wall layout. It's measured at 55ft by 72ft. The bottom level is 10 inches off the floor as the southern Pacific daylight 4449 passes by the river, while the top level is 5 feet high. All kids of all ages love to walk in the valley portion of the layout. A southern steam powered freight crosses the lionel lift bridge from 1991. The track is at 3300 square feet. The benchwork contains 7 tons of lumber, and the scenery is made with 6000 pounds of plaster. For track, they used gargraves, and used Curtis switches. For power, they used 6 right of way.transformers, a pair of MTH Z-4000 transformers, and a trio of Lionel ZW transformers. The backdrop mural was designed by Jim Fleming. On the center of the layout, there is brasstown ball, which is based on the real thing. On the other side of the mountain, there is paradise valley. Many of the bridges on the big layout is scratched built, except for the lionel 313 bascule bridge. A reenactment of the civil war is shown. Plus there is a reenactment of the great locomotive chase that was based on the 1956 disney film. The little town of Cornelia is shown. During the longest home run, the baseball landed in a hopper with coal as it heads to Chattanooga. The trestle is measured at 17 ft long. Blairsville didn't get it's first stoplight until 1992. An interview with Donald Morris is shown. The layout also has a model of a tall McDonald's sign. There are also 380 department 56 buildings. A model of the mansion from the 1939 movie gone with the wind is shown, plus another interview with charlie. No to mention a model of Atlanta station. The centerpiece is the capital building. The layout is also splendid at night. A model of the house from Charlie is shown with the real thing. There is also a carnival which is made by the late ed jones. A musical montage is shown. An MTH model of NKP 765 is hauling freight. which of course rich melvin is the engineer of the berkshire. An interview with ken kluth is included. Plus the final words of the builders. This is one of the best modern era layouts to experience again and again! It's open may through december, on Wednesday Friday and Saturday.

There are 3 bonus features in volume 3. Which includes Dick Foster's lionel layout that ran for 7 minutes, and 2 parts from Roy Everett: one for the lionel little lakes line which ran for 11 minutes, the other for the model of the Buena Vista amusement park that ran for only 4.5 minutes. For power, both Dick & Roy operates the Lionel ZW transformers.

Overall, Melvin did a decent job narrating this program.

Additional remarks by Steamboy:
Narration: Just enough.
Would kids enjoy this? Definitely!
Image quality: Excellent!
DVD Value: Good Value
Recommend to others? A "Must Have"!

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