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Allegheny Rails Vol 1 Baltimore and Ohio
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Allegheny Rails Vol 1 Baltimore and Ohio WB Video Productions WB024
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The name William P. Price is synonymous with 50's era railroad photography. His action steam and early diesel photos appear in numerous books and articles. Bill also made 8mm color movies while taking his famous photographs. The films have been shown to many groups with enthusiastic results. Now, through broadcast quality film-to-video-transfers, this historic motion picture collection is available to all on video.

This program features films made in 1953 and 1954 of the BALTIMORE & OHIO on the Pittsburgh Division, over famous Sand Patch Grade and on the West End of the Cumberland Division.

Featured is the "Big Six" 2-10-2, EM-1 2-8-8-4, P-1d 4-6-2, Q-1ba 2-8-2 and the Alco FA diesel. B&O's famous passenger trains are seen including the "Washingtonian". Each scene is documented with historical information by William P. Price and Harry Stegmaier, Jr. The story is told by announcer-actor-railfan Rege Cordic. Presented with a musical background.

55 minutes

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DVD Item#:WB024
Runtime:55 Mins ($0.45/min)
Producer:WB Video Productions
Aspect Ratio:Full Screen
Shrink Wrapped?:NO!
Disc Type:DVD
Region Code:0 Worldwide NTSC

  • This producer has been known to change the cover design, so the cover image you see here may differ from the actual product.
Allegheny Rails Vol 1 Baltimore and Ohio
Steamboy (Revere MA US) on 2019-10-18 15:49:14.

  •  5 of 5

In volume 1 made in 1987/1988, this video starts with a montage of clips. Did you know that the B&O laid their tracks to Cumberland in 1842? After the opening titles, it starts in the Cumberland narrows as class T-3 4-8-2 number 5570 pulls train 22 the eastbound Washingtonian. It operates between Cleveland and DC. At the summit of sand patch grade, westbound train number 21 arrives. Next up is train 22 at keystone, followed by train 21 on the grade west of hyndman. Not all locomotives are identified in this show. The eastbound Washingtonian is drifting through man�s curve. Moments later, a freight train with mostly hoppers are shown, as it is being led by a 2-10-2 nicknamed the big 6 due to the wheel arrangement at Fairhope. As 2 more engines pushed the caboose on the same train, a meet with a diesel powered freight is shown. Next a big 6 is at bracken hauling a westbound freight with another Big 6 number 6145 on the rear. These giants were used on the sand patch grade line. Afterwards, 2-8-8-4 mallet type locomotive number 7619 is shown with a westbound stone train. The iron ore on the western Maryland cars came from Venezuela as they�re heading for Johnstown. 7619 is seen again as it arrives at the grade. On the rear are 2 more big 6 2-10-2�s doubleheading. The first one is unidentified but at least the second engine is: which is 6222. Cranberry grade is at an elevation of 2628 feet. Train 30 the Cumberland to Parkersburg local is shown on a triple track reverse S curve as a doubleheader is underway near terrealta. Another doubleheader is shown, this time its the Express on train 29. It is led by a pair of the 5500 series engines. Next up is another diesel powered freight train. Followed by a quick shot of the metropolitan special which originated from roseburg WV with a steam helper up front. An eastbound coal train with F units are shown followed by a going away shot of the Washingtonian as it is being viewed from the top of the narrows. The tracks the river and highway 40 remains the same, except that the B&O lines are property of CSX, and the WM line is part of today�s Western Maryland scenic railroad to frostburg. In viaduct junction, the Parkersburg local is shown with 5 cabooses on the rear. Next up is a westbound freight with a big 6 in the lead as it heads through the junction. Moments later, train 29 with engine 5577 added at Mackenzie tower. Train 30 passes by the tower. The Washingtonian is at bracken. Afterwards, a freight with a set of Alco FPA4�s at bracken, with an unknown steamer behind the diesel, and 2 big 6 engines on the rear. The first pusher engine behind the caboose is unidentified but at least engine 6140 is. Next, the Washingtonian is east of sand patch tunnel with 5580 In charge. The summit is reached inside the tunnel. At the horseshoe curve in Mance PA, another Washingtonian is shown. Afterwards, 4-6-2 number 5083 heads under the WM�s keystone bridge. Next up is engine 6219 on a freight as it follows behind the Washingtonian. Pushing on the rear is Baldwin built shark nosed diesel number 862. 2-8-8-4 number 7626 is arriving at viaduct junction. Next, train 22 is arriving at the Queen City station which has since been demolished, and replaced by the modern post office and a small shanty for Amtrak�s capital limited. Out of the shops, engine 5590 is at MT savage hauling freight. The Washingtonian is between hyndman and fair hope. Following behind is a freight with a Big 6 pulling, and other big sixes pushing on the rear. The same train is seen again at the 18 minute mark of the video. The second pusher engine is 6135. Afterwards, another Alco FPA4 is leading a freight with a big 6 between the diesels and the freight. 2 pushers are on the rear. Next another freight is shown, this time with a single engine on the rear. Snow has fallen in December of 1953 as the doubleheader is on the Washingtonian. Afterwards, another passenger train is shown as it makes a bend, followed by 5580 hauling passengers. At the same time, a meet is shown. Moments later, an ore train with a big 6 number 6131 is shown, followed by a diesel powered passenger train on the eastbound Shenandoah near bracken curve. Note the number 25 triangle in the going away shot. Afterwards, the westbound Washingtonian is shown with a 4-8-2. Next, some F units are on an ore train with 2 big sixes in the rear. It�s late February 1954. A westbound F unit powered freight is at bracken curve. On the rear is engine 6140. At the 24 minute mark of the video, train 22 is shown as the camera is at the same spot. Moments later an westbound freight with big 6 number 6221 is shown. Train 9 the Chicago Express is west of Mt. Savage junction. Following behind is another steam powered passenger train. Train 21 is approaching the tower east of sand patch tunnel in the snow, as it negotiates an S curve. 5580 is seen once again. This time is is on train 22. At keystone, a big 6 is in pusher service. Next up is Express number 29 to grafton WV, followed by a look at the Washingtonian in the narrows as it approaches Cumberland. Note the different photograph. A different Washingtonian is at Salisbury junction near Myersdale. It is led by 5580 once again. The westbound Washingtonian is seen moments later, followed by the Connelsville local with 2 boxcars and a little red caboose tender first. Next up is the number 32 mail train near rockwood. The New York City to St. Louis mail train number 29, is heading to grafton with a doubleheader of the big sixes. At MD cabin, an articulated engine arrives. The Washingtonian is shown again as it negotiates an S curve. A quick shot of the Washingtonian is a shown at bracket. The Washington DC to Pittsburgh Express is shown as it passes by a waiting freight train with mostly boxcars. Big 6 number 6105 is at the narrows at it arrives from sand patch grade. The local freight is seen as it makes a bend. In the middle of the local is an inactive steamer that is either heading for repairs or gone for scrap. A mallet is seen at the narrows heading west, then it�s seen again at Mt. Savage and in hyndman with 2 more big sixes on the rear. Back at the keystone bridge, the Washington to Pittsburgh Express is shown. Afterwards, a westbound freight with a big 6 is shown as it is in the state line area. Back at the keystone bridge, another big 6 is on a westbound freight to Pittsburgh. It is seen again at an unknown location, but it does have 2 more pushers on the rear. It�s seen yet again at a different location. Moments later, an articulated mallet is on a freight, with Engine 6140 on the rear. As the tail of the freight with Baldwin built shark nosed diesels on the rear is shown, there is a meet with a steam locomotive in the background. It turns out that the freight was led by mallet 7615 heading west as it goes under the bridge. The eastbound local is east of myersdale. It�s led by 2-8-2 number 4174, built in 1911-1912. Note the bay window caboose between the freight cars. 5086 is on the Chicago Express as it leaves Cumberland. A big 6 is on a freight heading west as it enters the tunnel. At the same time, a diesel powered passenger train exits the tunnel. On the rear of the freight is engine 6116. The eastbound Washingtonian is under the Salisbury viaduct. Mountain type 4-8-2 number 5566 is heading west on a freight. It�s seen again at Mt. Savage junction, and also at an unknown location. But it does have 2 big sixes on the rear though. The rear pusher is 6201. East of the sand patch tunnel, the tower has since been demolished. As 5566 passes by once again. At the same time, an eastbound meet is shown. Note that 6201 is having some traction troubles. Back at the narrows, another westbound is shown with a big 6 in the lead. It�s seen again where it is north of the state line. 2 more helpers are added on the rear. Engine 6219 is shown At bracken curve. The big 6 series known as the S1A�s were built in 1926. It�s seen again at a different crossing. But it has 2 more big sixes on the rear. The first engine is unidentified but at least the 6145 is. At man�s horseshoe curve, a limestone train is shown out of hyndman near sand patch tunnel. It is led by a big 6 with 2 more on the rear. The final 5 minutes of this video shows another westbound at sand patch led by a big 6. An eastbound passes by Salisbury junction, followed by the shark nosed diesels on a westbound freight. The Alco FPA4s are on an unidentified freight with a big 6 in the consist, and 2 more on the rear. The Chicago Express roars by fairhope as it leaves Cumberland Between 4:30 and 5:00 in the evening. The eastbound Washingtonian is led by number 86, then the westbound is at corriganvile. Looking at the steam service yard, the NYC to St. Louis mail train is passing by grafton. On May 30, 1954, a westbound Washingtonian is assisted by a steam helper due to the fact that it�s an excursion special. At bracken curve, mallet 7615 is on a freight with 2 more big sixes on the rear. Afterwards an eastbound freight with 6210 arrives at the state line. Followed by Alco 807, and big 6 number 6103 is at Mt. Savage junction. Next 6222 is west of Cumberland on a freight. It�s seen again at the state line.

Overall, Rege Cordic did an outstanding job narrating this 1987/1988 video. Not to mention the interesting songs that are played on the synthesizer which are featured in the closing credits.

Additional remarks by Steamboy:
Narration: Just enough.
Would kids enjoy this? Yes.
Image quality: A little rough around the edges.
DVD Value:: Fair.
Recommend to others? Definitely.

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