Alcos on the Island - The Long Island RR - A & R Productions MP_37 (Southeastern US) on 2016-02-23 22:04:32.
 We have verified that this reviewer has purchased this item from Train Video Depot because this reviewer is a member of our loyalty program and was signed in when they purchased the item and when they left the review.
This is the first A&R Productions RR video I've bought bought but the subject matter intrigued me. I chuckled at another reviewer's comments on the opening credits because I too initially thought the cartoonish splash page meant this was an amateur-ish production. No worries: This is a good quality and well put together production. Desiring a big image, I watched this video in zoom mode on my widescreen TV and the video quality was still very good for the era it was shot in. Dubbed-in sound is good too. I've been lucky enough to see the same type of locomotives shown in action and can attest that the locomotive sounds are accurate. The maps are detailed ( though I had to pause the screen to take a good look at each line shown at the beginning of each chapter/line shown ) and the narration was informative and pleasant.
I'm not an LIRR fan as such, but the era, locomotives and rolling stock, and dense operations made this very enjoyable. This will get many repeat watchings on my DVD player.
Additional remarks by MP_37: Narration: Just enough. Would kids enjoy this? Maybe. Image quality: Good. DVD Value: Good Value Recommend to others? Yes.
Alcos on the Island - The Long Island RR - A & R Productions kc (usa) on 2012-01-20 17:14:45.
 We have verified that this reviewer has purchased this item from Train Video Depot because this reviewer is a member of our loyalty program and was signed in when they purchased the item and when they left the review.
ok movie for long Island fans only
Additional remarks by kc: Narration: Just enough. Would kids enjoy this? Maybe. Image quality: A little rough around the edges. DVD Value:: Fair. Recommend to others? Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
Alcos on the Island - The Long Island RR - A & R Productions DaveJfr0 on 2010-07-13 07:52:29.
Spent a lot of time on the northern branches of the LIRR, but had plenty of Alco action, with good narration, and even showed some of the older streamlined cars (that had service lasting into the 90s I believe). Definitely worth it for a true LIRR fan.
Additional remarks by DaveJfr0: Narration: Just enough. Would kids enjoy this? I doubt it. Image quality: Good. DVD Value: Good Value Recommend to others? Yes.
Alcos on the Island - The Long Island RR - A & R Productions Rob the Long Islander on 2009-02-10 19:21:23.
I too grew up on Long Island and currently HO model this once colorful and innovative railroad.I have every video on the LIRR available I'm sure. This one, "Alcos on the Island" is the only one that's dedicated footage to the Port Washington, Hempstead and W. Hempstead branches. None of the others has. I especially enjoyed coverage of the C420, and Budd RDCs. Something that bothers me about ALL railroad video companies is their lack of interest in stations. For example, in this one, an electric obscures the old stately Garden City station. As the last car moves away, instead of the camera focusing on the station for a few seconds, it follows the coach. Ditto for the Country Life Press station-- one of the real "darlings" on the LI. Although an electric, a cab ride from Penn Station to Port Washington would be exciting. Ditto to Hempstead. Capturing the crazy mix of coaches, including clubs, Pullmans, streamlined aluminum's from just about every road as they decreased passenger service and the LI's thrived, was a great touch--congratulations on this bit of railroadiana. I think that you've done a swell job with this video. The narration is a cut above most that I've watched. in terms of description, statistics and geography. Actually, I voted for 4 stars above but only 3 appeared and the format did not allow me to correct the error. So FOUR stars it is.
Additional remarks by Rob the Long Islander: Narration: Just enough. Would kids enjoy this? I doubt it. Image quality: Good. DVD Value: Good Value Recommend to others? Definitely.
Alcos on the Island - The Long Island RR - A & R Productions samtheman on 2007-06-05 09:09:53.
I grew up up on Long Island, and rode every route of the LIRR. From Manhatten/Brooklyn to Greenport and Montauk. So I was pretty interested in seeing this video. This was my first A&R DVD, and the opening credits were very amateuristic and I thought I might be in for a bad video, but really it was just the opening graphics. The video was actually very good. It provided coverage of just about every line.
I enjoyed it and recommend it to anyone that has interest in the Long Island Railroad.