2102 Fall trips covers 3 trips in the autumn of 2022, the first year it was restored. There are 3 trips to Jim Thorpe, PA from Reading, and lots of neat locations and grades that make 2102 really bark. It's impressive. October 1st was the first trip, followed by October 29th. This later trip was beautiful clear weather with cold temps, and a combination of dew and leaves on the rails made for some impressive slipping from 2102. In addition we have acquired some footage from a camera mounted behind the smoke stack. This allows a great unusual view and you see some ahead and on the side of the train. We intermingle some of these clips in order with the trackside views. It fills in some of the blanks nicely, and really adds to the enjoyment of the show. The November 6th trip wrapped up the 2102 excursions for 2102. This train was a few coaches shorter thus it ran faster in places. 2102 is one of the loudest engines in the world and puts on a great. This is a nice companion to "2102 Returns" as there is lots of different things in each video.