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Review of Last Run of a Cab Forward Over Donner Pass DVD

 4.1 of 5 (8)
An Albert C. Phelps Film

One of railroading's most spectacular runs took place over the weekend of November 30, 1957 when Southern Pacific Cab Forward 4274 left Sacramento for its final journey across Donner Pass. This historic event was captured on film by Albert C. Phelps, with special photography by J. Allen Hawkins and Jacob DeVries. You'll ride in the cab of the AC-powered 10-car train as it climbs the steep grade. Special scenes include 4274's shake-down run in Roseville as it prepares for its final run, rare pacing shots of the train as it races up the Sierra Nevada foothills, and photo run-bys staged for the passengers at remote locations. This is a rare treat for all steam fans to enjoy!

DVD Special Feature:
  • Chapter Menu provides instant access to program segments.
60 Minutes
In Color and Black & White with Stereo Sound and Narration
Full-screen (4x3) Format
No region code; can be played in any NTSC DVD pla

Overall rating for this DVD? 5 Star Excellent
4 Star Very Good
3 Star Good
2 Star Fair
1 Star Poor

The rest is optional but appreciated.

In your opinion, how was the narration level? There was no narration.
Just enough.
Could have used more.
A little too much.
Way too much.
Narration can be turned off.

Aside from the content of the DVD, how would you rate the image quality (sharpness, camera steadiness, etc)? Poor.
A little rough around the edges.

How would you rate the VALUE of this video? Overpriced for the amount of enjoyment I got out of it.
Seemed a little high, but not too bad.
Good value.
Excellent value!

Last question. Would you recommend this DVD to others? Definitely not!
Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
A "Must Have"!

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