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Review of Superior Railroading on DVD

 4.5 of 5 (2)
There is no more desolate place on the Canadian Pacific Railway Mainline that the section along the north shore of Lake Superior. Regardless of the season, rock cuts, sheer cliffs, tunnels and sharp curves make this area one challenging piece of railroading.

In this show you will go beyond trackside, as we ride the trains, see the dispatch center, ride in the roadmaster's hi-rail truck and even get an aerial look at one of the most remote areas during the harsh winter season. This is nonstop mainline action with a great variety of power including a few ALCOS which are seen as well as the normal SD40-2's.

A side note is that I personally viewed this North of Superior show many years ago when it first came out, and was impressed by the production then. When I had the opportunity to purchase Rail Innovations programs this was the one that I remembered seeing and got me interested in the idea of owning it and several others. The helicopter footage is quite nice in this Winter program

Overall rating for this DVD? 5 Star Excellent
4 Star Very Good
3 Star Good
2 Star Fair
1 Star Poor

The rest is optional but appreciated.

In your opinion, how was the narration level? There was no narration.
Just enough.
Could have used more.
A little too much.
Way too much.
Narration can be turned off.

Aside from the content of the DVD, how would you rate the image quality (sharpness, camera steadiness, etc)? Poor.
A little rough around the edges.

How would you rate the VALUE of this video? Overpriced for the amount of enjoyment I got out of it.
Seemed a little high, but not too bad.
Good value.
Excellent value!

Last question. Would you recommend this DVD to others? Definitely not!
Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
A "Must Have"!

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