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Review of Sacramento Northern - Transit Gloria Mundi - Catenary Video Productions

 4.2 of 5 (5)
Sacramento Northern - Catch the interurban Experience in Action
In 1940, long after most interurbans had degenerated into poorly maintained shadows of the pre-WWI prime, the Sacramento Northern was operating trains of heavy wooden arch-window cars looking fresh from the paintshop, rumbling slowly through the tree-shaded city streets before racing across open countryside.

Journey back 60 years for a trip on California's legendary Sacramento Northern Railway, from the Bay Area to Chico, in the Sacramento Valley. The woodland and Colusa branches are also covered. The DVD provides a fascinating view of the countryside before it was despoiled by urband sprawl and the automobile.

In the first half of the twentieth century, interurbans served small town America well -- connecting neighbors by distributing people and commerce reliably and cheaply when life was simpler and less hurried.

This extremely rare, color coverage came from a stunning 16mm film taken by pioneeer cinematographer

Overall rating for this DVD? 5 Star Excellent
4 Star Very Good
3 Star Good
2 Star Fair
1 Star Poor

The rest is optional but appreciated.

In your opinion, how was the narration level? There was no narration.
Just enough.
Could have used more.
A little too much.
Way too much.
Narration can be turned off.

Aside from the content of the DVD, how would you rate the image quality (sharpness, camera steadiness, etc)? Poor.
A little rough around the edges.

How would you rate the VALUE of this video? Overpriced for the amount of enjoyment I got out of it.
Seemed a little high, but not too bad.
Good value.
Excellent value!

Last question. Would you recommend this DVD to others? Definitely not!
Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
A "Must Have"!

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