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Review of Our Last Log Hauler Simpson Timber RR Volume 1 DVD Long Days on a Short Line

 4.7 of 5 (3)
Join us as we explore The Simpson Timber Company Railroad using rare insider-footage from 1994.

It was very sad to learn that Simpson finally ceased railroad operations in June of 2015. Sure, with a 130 year history, the RR was only a shadow of its former self. Still, I always thought they'd keep it going. Maybe it was because of my last name (Simpson), but for some reason in the Spring of 1994, Simpson's upper management finally approved my going behind the scenes and documenting everything about their railroad ...and their mills ...and their logging sites ...and the interchange with the "Burlington Northern" ...the whole works.

It was June of 1994, when I arrived for a full week of shooting. Simpson Timber graciously allowed me access throughout their private land holdings. (I was younger at that time, and didn't realize what a rare opportunity this was. Most railfans were quickly escorted off. I was too busy having the time of my younger life to fully apprecia

Overall rating for this DVD? 5 Star Excellent
4 Star Very Good
3 Star Good
2 Star Fair
1 Star Poor

The rest is optional but appreciated.

In your opinion, how was the narration level? There was no narration.
Just enough.
Could have used more.
A little too much.
Way too much.
Narration can be turned off.

Aside from the content of the DVD, how would you rate the image quality (sharpness, camera steadiness, etc)? Poor.
A little rough around the edges.

How would you rate the VALUE of this video? Overpriced for the amount of enjoyment I got out of it.
Seemed a little high, but not too bad.
Good value.
Excellent value!

Last question. Would you recommend this DVD to others? Definitely not!
Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
A "Must Have"!

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