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Review of Chiles Colorful Narrow Gauge Mining Railroads DVD

 5 of 5 (2)
See the colorful diesels of the Ferrocarill de Antofagasta e Bolivia hauling their heavy loads over totally barren Cumbre Pass, across the Atacama Desert and in to the Andes at the Bolivian Border. Next, we see elderly EMD's of the Ferronor Diego de Almagro Sector struggling up the 3.5% grade to the smelter at Potrerillos. This line was washed out after our visit and is now closed. The Ferronor Vallenor sector uses brand new EMD GT46AC's in a 24 hours a day service carrying iron ore from a mine to the port at Huasco. We also see the now abandoned narrow gauge Ferrocarrill Tocapilla, which used Chilean built electric locomotives to carry nitrates from the Atacama Desert mines to the port at Tocapilla.

Overall rating for this DVD? 5 Star Excellent
4 Star Very Good
3 Star Good
2 Star Fair
1 Star Poor

The rest is optional but appreciated.

In your opinion, how was the narration level? There was no narration.
Just enough.
Could have used more.
A little too much.
Way too much.
Narration can be turned off.

Aside from the content of the DVD, how would you rate the image quality (sharpness, camera steadiness, etc)? Poor.
A little rough around the edges.

How would you rate the VALUE of this video? Overpriced for the amount of enjoyment I got out of it.
Seemed a little high, but not too bad.
Good value.
Excellent value!

Last question. Would you recommend this DVD to others? Definitely not!
Not unless they REALLY were interested in the subject matter.
A "Must Have"!

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